Creating a Sustainability Journal at HES

Bridging Theory and Practice

We’re a student team organized at the Harvard Innovation Lab, launching a student-led sustainability journal at the Harvard Extension School. 

Sustainability professionals want actionable research. Sustainability professions are overwhelmed with research, and how to implement research is not always clear.

Launching a journal focused on applied sustainability meets that need. As sustainability professionals, HES students are well-positioned to curate research and identify how that research might be put into action. 

HES is already a bridge between theory and practice. This journal helps amplify HES's core mission of providing adult learners with the skills and knowledge they need to excel at their jobs or impact their community. 

Curious what a sample paper could look like? Read more

BTW If you are in the Washington, DC area, the Harvard Club of Washington, DC is hosting a Happy Hour on May 13th that will be attended by our program director, Dr. Michael Mortimer.